Do you sell replicas or original dress?
We only sell high end replica outfits that are 90-95 % similar to the original designer dresses.
How close are your products to the original designer outfits in the picture?
Our products are 90-95% similar to the original dress in the picture because we make sure to imitate the intricacy of each and every design. We provide hand sewn embroidery in our products to assure that our clients have the original designer outfit feel. P.S. Your friends and family will never make out that you are wearing a replica:)
Do you have this outfit available in a different color?
Absolutely, all our products can be customized in color of your choice. You can choose the color from the color chart (thread catalog) and mention it in color option while placing your order.
Can I make changes in the design of the dress I order?
Absolutely we can accommodate your desired changes in the design of the dress with approximately $75 (price may vary as per the changes). Any changes have to be specified while placing the order, no changes can be incorporated once the order has been placed. We suggest you to contact us for design change, before you place the order.
Can you make a dress that is not listed on your website?
Definitely we do make dresses from images provided by you. Just email us a clear and precise picture of your desired outfit at and we will get back to you with quote as soon as possible.
Do you have an actual photo of the outfit?
Since we provide made-to-order outfits as per measurements, we only have photos of the dresses previously ordered by our customers. These photos are available on our creations page.
Can you send me the pictures of the dress while it is in process or once it is ready to dispatch?
We do not provide any pictures while the dress is in process or even after it is ready to dispatch. We suggest you to have a look at our past creations while you place the order, to ensure the quality of work we provide.
Do you have a store where I can visit and see the actual outfits?
No, we are an online retail and wholesale store. You can check out the actual outfit images on the reviews page.
Where can I see your reviews?
You can see our reviews on Trustpilot
I am not sure to buy online before seeing the actual outfit as I am buying online for the first time or due to bad experience of online shopping in past, what can you do to help?
We provide you with an option here to order a sample swatch of the outfit, in order to feel the fabric and embroidery. All you need to do is email us on for sample swatch for the code no. of the outfit. The sample swatch price is $50 – $100 (price may vary for different products) and shipping charges of $20. If you wish to avoid the shipping charges, we can send you a photo of the embroidered swatch.
Do you accept returns on your products?
Since we provide made-to-order dresses, we do not provide refunds for them.But we do offer returns for ready to ship and catalog dresses.
How do I place the order?

Process is as follows:

  1.  Select the product you want to buy, add to cart, apply coupon if you have any and proceed to check out.
  2.  Enter your contact information and shipping details.
  3.  You can make payment through debit card/credit card or PayPal.
  4. Once we receive your order, we will email you measurement form, which you need to complete and send it back to us.
  5.  The dress will be shipped within time specified with the particular product from the day we receive your final measurements.
How do you take my measurements?
We will email you a measurement form once you place the order, you can fill it up by following the instructions on the form. You can even download the respective measurement form from here and email it to us with your order details on
What type of payments do you accept?
We accept payments through all debit and credit cards, PayPal, Bank Transfer and Western Union.
What are the shipping charges and which courier company do you use?

Shipping charges are as follow:

  • USA – $20
  • Worldwide except USA – $30
  • India – free

Express shipping $40 world wide except India.

We only use standard, safe and trusted shipping companies like DHL, FedEX, UPS and other priority courier services.

In how many days can I get the outfit?

Usually we customize a dress in about 3 weeks while bridal dress takes around 5 weeks plus shipping days. Regular shipping takes around 7-10 working days for outside India and 2-3 working days for India.

If you opt for Express Shipping, it takes around 3-5 working days.

Can I get the accessories, jewellry, shoes and purses you display on your Facebook page?
All the accessories are a display fashion guide for our customers, to